Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the highest body of the Management Company which controls and supervises the implementation of policies and business development. It ensures that the Management Company respects the law and accounting standards, approves the financial and investment policies, the Prospectus, thus ensuring the administration of the Management Company, accountability to the public for its actions, commitment and results. The Board of Directors consists of 5 (five) members as follows:

Mr. Irfan LAMI: Chairman of the Board of Directors
Mr. Irfan Lami has a long career in the financial market since 1995. Mr. Lami has several years of experience at Social Insurance Institute in the field of pensions, finance and auditing. He has over 18 years of experience in financial management and management of insurance companies in Albania and Kosovo. Since 2015, he has been the Director of the Finance Department at Albsig Sh.a. Mr. Lami holds an integrated second-level university degree in Finance from the Agricultural University of Tirana, since 1995. Mr. Lami has conducted numerous trainings in the field of financial management and risk.

Mr. Dritan KASTRATI: Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Dritan Kastrati has several years of experience at the Albanian Insurance Bureau, as a specialist in damage treatment, secretary of the General Assembly of Members / Commissions and administration of PBS practices. Mr. Kastrati since 2015 is part of Albsig Sh.a as Director of the Department of Damage and Deputy General Director. Mr. Kastrati holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from the University “Aleksandër Moisiu”, Durrës. Mr. Kastrati has conducted numerous trainings in the field of management (public and private companies), insurance, damage treatment and risk.

Mr. Elvis BEQIRI: Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Elvis Beqiri since 2017 is part of Albsig Sh.a as Director of Liability Insurance. Mr. Beqiri has 14 years of experience in the banking sector in various positions such as Department Director, Branch Manager, etc. Mr. Beqiri holds a master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Polis University and IPAG Business School, Paris. Mr. Beqiri has conducted numerous trainings in the field of management and finance.

Mr. Elton KORBI: Executive Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Elton Korbi is currently the General Administrator of Albsig Invest Sh.a. Mr. Korbi has over 13 years of experience in the banking sector in commercial banks and at the Bank of Albania, in the field of audit, supervision, accounting and financial analysis. Mr. Korbi holds an integrated second-level university degree in Finance from the University of Tirana and a master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Epoka University. Mr. Korbi has been pursuing studies for the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) certificate since 2015. Mr. Korbi has conducted numerous trainings in the field of auditing, supervision, risk management, financial management and budgeting by prestigious institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Deutsche Bundesbank, BaFIN, Banque de France, etc.

Mr. Admir RAMADANI: Executive Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Admir Ramadani is currently the Chief and Deputy General Administrator of Albsig Invest Sh.a. Mr. Ramadani has 13 years of experience in the banking sector, of which 5 years in the field of investment and 8 years in the field of risk management. Mr. Ramadani holds a double major in Economics and Mathematics from the American University in Bulgaria. Mr. Ramadani has held the CFA certificate (Chartered Financial Analyst) since October 2012.
The Board of Directors is the highest body of the Management Company which controls and supervises the implementation of policies and business development. It ensures that the Management Company respects the law and accounting standards, approves the financial and investment policies, the Prospectus, thus ensuring the administration of the Management Company, accountability to the public for its actions, commitment and results. The Board of Directors consists of 5 (five) members as follows:

Mr. Irfan LAMI: Chairman of the Board of Directors
Mr. Irfan Lami has a long career in the financial market since 1995. Mr. Lami has several years of experience at Social Insurance Institute in the field of pensions, finance and auditing. He has over 18 years of experience in financial management and management of insurance companies in Albania and Kosovo. Since 2015, he has been the Director of the Finance Department at Albsig Sh.a. Mr. Lami holds an integrated second-level university degree in Finance from the Agricultural University of Tirana, since 1995. Mr. Lami has conducted numerous trainings in the field of financial management and risk.

Mr. Dritan KASTRATI: Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Dritan Kastrati has several years of experience at the Albanian Insurance Bureau, as a specialist in damage treatment, secretary of the General Assembly of Members / Commissions and administration of PBS practices. Mr. Kastrati since 2015 is part of Albsig Sh.a as Director of the Department of Damage and Deputy General Director. Mr. Kastrati holds a master’s degree in Public Administration from the University “Aleksandër Moisiu”, Durrës. Mr. Kastrati has conducted numerous trainings in the field of management (public and private companies), insurance, damage treatment and risk.

Mr. Elvis BEQIRI: Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Elvis Beqiri since 2017 is part of Albsig Sh.a as Director of Liability Insurance. Mr. Beqiri has 14 years of experience in the banking sector in various positions such as Department Director, Branch Manager, etc. Mr. Beqiri holds a master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Polis University and IPAG Business School, Paris. Mr. Beqiri has conducted numerous trainings in the field of management and finance.

Mr. Elton KORBI: Executive Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Elton Korbi is currently the General Administrator of Albsig Invest Sh.a. Mr. Korbi has over 13 years of experience in the banking sector in commercial banks and at the Bank of Albania, in the field of audit, supervision, accounting and financial analysis. Mr. Korbi holds an integrated second-level university degree in Finance from the University of Tirana and a master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Epoka University. Mr. Korbi has been pursuing studies for the ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) certificate since 2015. Mr. Korbi has conducted numerous trainings in the field of auditing, supervision, risk management, financial management and budgeting by prestigious institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Deutsche Bundesbank, BaFIN, Banque de France, etc.

Mr. Admir RAMADANI: Executive Member of the Board of Directors
Mr. Admir Ramadani is currently the Chief and Deputy General Administrator of Albsig Invest Sh.a. Mr. Ramadani has 13 years of experience in the banking sector, of which 5 years in the field of investment and 8 years in the field of risk management. Mr. Ramadani holds a double major in Economics and Mathematics from the American University in Bulgaria. Mr. Ramadani has held the CFA certificate (Chartered Financial Analyst) since October 2012.
Komiteti i Investimeve
Komiteti i Investimit është përgjegjës për menaxhimin e procesit të investimit. Komiteti ka si detyra kryesore të:
Ndërtojë një portofol duke marrë vendime për investime që përkojnë me objektivat, kufizimet, vlerësimet e tregut të kapitalit dhe alokimin e aseteve;
- Monitoron objektivat e investimit të fondit duke respektuar limitet e alokimit të aseteve;
- Monitoron performancën dhe shpenzimet e fondeve;
- Vendos komunikim të vazhdueshëm me Këshillin e Administrimit, pjesëmarrësit e fondit dhe siguron materiale edukuese për anëtarët;
Rekomandon procedura operacionale që forcojnë administrimin e fondeve.
Bulevardi Bajram Curri, Albsig HQ, Tirana, Albania 1010, Kati 16
Email: [email protected]
NUIS: L92208025J